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ToothacheSevere toothaches are just plain miserable. The pain can be so overwhelming at times that it’s hard to pinpoint the exact source. More than anything, you just want the pain to stop!

What are some of the common causes of a toothache?

In order to accurately diagnose the cause of your toothache, it is necessary for you to see your Auburn dentist, Dr. Matson. By means of a series of questions, a dental exam and possibly x-rays, he will be able to get to the root cause of your pain.

At Home Remedies

If it isn’t possible for you to see your Auburn family dentist right away, here are a few tips to help manage your pain until you can be accurately diagnosed:

Even if these measures provide some relief, do not delay scheduling an appointment to see your dentist to ensure there isn’t a more serious cause that needs to be addressed. If your pain is a result of teeth grinding, ask us about custom made mouthguards that will help protect your teeth and eliminate the pain.

When the Pain is Intense

If your pain is severe, the pressure is constant, your gums are swelling and your tooth is unusually sensitive to touch, your tooth is very likely infected. This infection may be turning into an abscess that is affecting your gums and bone tissue.

If this is the case, it is urgent that you schedule to see your dentist as soon as possible. Unnecessary delays can result in your losing the infected tooth. When you see your dentist, he will likely drain the abscess to halt the infection. It’s possible that a root canal may also be needed to repair the affected area.

Keep in mind that even if the pain has subsided prior to seeing your dentist, this does not mean the infection has gone away on its own. In fact, it may be spreading to other areas which will result in dire consequences.

If your teeth are hurting, don’t ignore the pain. Make an appointment today so we can relieve your paint and get you on the road to recovery.

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