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Gum Disease Prevention

Gum Disease PreventionGum disease is a serious condition. In addition to leading to loss of teeth, gum disease has been linked to a number of serious infirmities, ranging from heart attack and stroke to diabetes.

The good news is, gum disease is entirely preventable. Let’s take a few minutes to examine the risk factors, along with some specific strategies for prevention. This will help you to take action to ensure that your gums stay healthy and strong.

Increased Risk Factors

It’s true that certain factors may increase your risk for developing the condition. However, knowledge of these can help you to combat them effectively.

The primary cause of gum disease is the bacteria found in plaque, that sticky film that forms on your teeth after eating or drinking. Additionally, though, certain diseases, medicines, and habits can increase the risk of developing gum disease, or make the condition worse.

How to Prevent It

The number one protection against developing gum disease is to keep a good oral hygiene routine. By brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day, you keep your teeth clean and remove plaque and the harmful bacteria it contains. If you’re unsure about your brushing and flossing technique, ask your dentist to show you how to do it properly. You should also make sure to keep up with regular dental exams and cleanings.

Additionally, knowledge of the added risk factors listed above will help you to make decisions to reduce the possibility of contracting gum disease. Avoid smoking and tobacco use and make sure you have a balanced, nutritious diet. Speak to your doctor about a regular exercise plan, which will improve your health and help reduce stress. If you regularly take medications that increase the risk of developing gum disease, speak with your doctor and dentist about possible alternatives and ways to mitigate those risks.

Schedule Your Gum Disease Consultation

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