How Much Will I Pay for Invisalign?
The price for Invisalign depends upon the length of time necessary to finish your treatment. Since you receive a new aligner tray to continue your treatments every two weeks, the more complex your condition, the more trays you will need. The anticipated final price is determined by the office of Rock Creek Dental before you begin your Invisalign program. The range for full Invisalign treatment typically starts at three thousand dollars. If you do not need the full treatment to resolve your difficulty, your cost may be greatly less, such as with Invisalign Express.
Invisalign is advised as orthodontic treatment. Depending upon your insurer, all or part of the cost of your treatment may be insured. Although its convenience and use of many aligners usually results in slightly more cost than standard braces, the office of Rock Creek Dental does have credit programs and orthodontic treatment is eligible for pre-tax medical expense reimbursement programs (Flexible Spending Accounts or FSAs) that save you funds on your taxes.