Beginning Invisalign treatment requires an thorough consult with your Auburn dentist at the office of Rock Creek Dental. Fully take advantage of the visit to have many of your questions answered about Invisalign restoration, how much it costs, utilizing dental insurance or flexible spending accounts, and how Invisalign is successfully treating people worldwide.
Should you decide that the Invisalign treatment is for you, our Auburn dentist, Dr. Matson, will create an impression of your teeth, or use the iTero scanner to construct a digital image of the jaw, teeth and gums. We also take pictures of your “before” condition and look at the jaw bones and teeth with x-rays. Quality x-rays are a crucial part of creating your customized Invisalign treatment plan. This information is then used along with Invisalign technology to construct a digital 3D image of your mouth and a treatment plan. You see in the beginning how your teeth will appear at the end of the process and have a good estimate of the length of time required to complete your treatment.